Wednesday, May 13, 2009

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Crazy Boring Blog / Web diary

If we had a newspaper here, the rest must achieve a certain level, then we would be long gone from the window. Because here at the blog is doing as good as nothing - so crazy fad.

To change that we want to briefly report from our last "vacation". A couple from the church has offered us her small apartment for a short time to visit the coast in order to disable something. Well, water is to be said except there: Please, be happy where we need to go? Fortunately, the apartment is on the west coast, which has shortened the journey by car immensely. In just 3 hours (short hop here) we were in Morro Bay. A small village on the coast between Fresno and LA. It had a comfortable 20 ° Celsius and it blew a gentle breeze. The ideal place to chill out a bit (cool). Meanwhile, it has namely in Fresno at 30 ° C during the day - that an Austrian summer.

In Morro Bay we have read, prayed, walked around and have eaten different things that you do not necessarily need to eat constantly (eg clam Choudens soup, garlic fries - both nice, but not as good as a steak or a juicy burger. ..). Click on the thumbnail below for some pictures of the 2 days to see the coast. Some pictures are still on the camera ... may come even later.
Morro Bay I

In general, it concerns us here is good. The longer there, the more you can do and that beats down dramatically on the number of blog entries. We will try to counteract this deliberately. Currently, we can derive the one-hour prayer meetings before the service. It is a mixture of Bible teaching and prayer. Two of the four Sundays are behind us. It is far better than expected, but still remains a major challenge.


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