Sunday, April 20, 2008

Gigi Products Singapore

I'm reading ...

Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury of
, translated by Fritz Güttinger (1955)
Extract and abridged from Wikipedia Inahltsangabe (novel)

Fahrenheit 451 is set in a world where it is considered a serious crime, to read books or even to possess. The Company is dependent on the political system, anonymous and kept under age ...

protagonist of the novel, the fireman Guy is Monday, the first work of criticism in this system. By the 17-year-old Clarisse he meets the art of words, the value of free thought and the beauty of nature. He secretly read books and start the world with different eyes ...

Society in the novel has a very monotonous. Your goal is to make the population continually to deal with simple means and divert them as of major events such as wars. This will be achieved, for example, with television shows that are looking over the video screens in their living rooms and on which the audience can participate, but also by large amusement parks ...

have people who read books and are enemies of the state, to be pursued. Their houses and libraries are set on fire by firefighters, said some of the dead are also accepted.

This state of society was brought about but not by the ruling, totalitarian government itself out.
, but have brought the people by increasing their media consumption, especially through television, even in this situation.

My opinion:
If one considers what time the author wrote the book (1953) and how far we have come now in our and in other "democratic" States are! Frightening! And I think
even more shocking that we are well on our way to a totalitarian police state - for better and for worse!

A highly recommended book that makes you think about our own personal behavior and keep still in our country. If "we" already made by using gaga Medieneinheitsbrei stupid, comfortable and speechless?


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