Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dune Buggies Blue Prints

The everyday madness

Everywhere is green and blooms. The air smells of apple and cherry blossoms.
time for long walks in warm sunshine.
No, far from it. Sun protection cream on the nose and down into the garden. I would like to have ten pairs of hands and turn depend on every day a few hours.
who, like me, has a large fruit and vegetable garden, will understand me.
The beds must be released, fertilized shrubs and compost can be spread by fruit trees.
For first sowings it is high time: leeks, lettuce, peas, radishes, carrots and turnips. The bulbs are already growing and first tender garlic-leek I have already harvested. Tomorrow be the pre-sprouted potatoes in foil and early planted tomatoes and Chillipflänchen the greenhouse.
Then I can allow myself a few quiet hours in the garden.
No, probably not, the grass is already growing hand high. And since I environmentally conscious, have no gasoline mower, I will probably rouse to draw endless trains in winter with the rusty mower. Weight training with a difference!
Nevertheless, I look forward to a sea of tulips, forget-me-nots and Perlhyazinthen. The Süßkirschenbaum begins to bloom and everywhere scurry around black and yellow striped giant bumblebees. I see no bees. I also have a attentive guest: A male blackbird hopping around next to me boldly observed exactly where I rake and is immediately at hand when I toss him a worm before the beak. How nice. His breeding will thank him.


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